Lee Elder
JoinedPosts by Lee Elder
This misquote makes my blood boil! (Excuse the pun)
by ILoveTTATT2 inthis absolutely upsets me!they always keep doing this garbage, putting people into harm's way by not telling them the whole information!and plus, any blood info from australia is likely biased... the two jw's they hired to manage blood transfusions in australia are doing an excellent job at doing propaganda.
Lee Elder
They would like to Jehovah's Witnesses to believe that science fully supports the WTS policy, and they selectively go about sharing only the parts that "tickle their ears". -
Synthetic Blood in 2 Years? How Will the GB Shoot This Down?
by DarioKehl ininteresting read.
if they already allow "fractions," there's no way they can ban this.. here:www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/nhs-to-give-volunteers-synthetic-blood-made-in-a-laboratory-within-two-years-10343279.html.
Lee Elder
We would welcome that development. That said, however, it would require a substantial reform of the current policy which forbids the use of red cells. -
A Call for Government Action in Ghana
by Lee Elder inin a new editorial, "the chronicle" is calling for government action on the jehovah's witness blood policy.
this thread has caught the attention of jw apologists.
i have already responded several times.
Lee Elder
In a new editorial, "The Chronicle" is calling for government action on the Jehovah's Witness blood policy. This thread has caught the attention of JW apologists. I have already responded several times. It would be good if others could also offer some thoughtful comments.
Jehovah's Witness woman refuses blood, then dies.
by Lee Elder inanother jehovah's witness woman has died while giving birth due to massive blood loss and refusing a blood transfusion.
she leaves nine children behind.
she finally consented to the transfusion but it was too late to save her.
Lee Elder
Another Jehovah's Witness woman has died while giving birth due to massive blood loss and refusing a blood transfusion. She leaves nine children behind. She finally consented to the transfusion but it was too late to save her. http://allafrica.com/stories/201506231495.html -
Hemopure, what has the WT and JW Org actually said on this stuff ?
by Phizzy inon a number of threads i have seen it mentioned that the jw scam "religion" approves the use of hemopure.. is this in print anywhere please ?.
Lee Elder
Its widely known among insiders and was used as recently
as the Boston Marathon bombing despite its status with the FDA.
If in doubt, place a call to Hospital Information Services.
Stay up to date on the Blood Issue!
by Lee Elder inajwrb now has a facebook page.
please follow along:.
Lee Elder
AJWRB now has a Facebook page. Please follow along:
Lee Elder
I have one of my own as well:
Reflections - Updating MD card - did you stop updating?
by berrygerry ini finally removed my md card from my wallet yesterday.. although we were encouraged to create a new card annually, i had an internal hesitation, and a lack of enthusiam for it, as well as the meaningless cards for my kids.. the card that was pulled from my wallet was dated 1994. i obviously had some unconscious, if not conscious, problems with the borg, maybe with the 1995 generations bs.. did others stop updating their cards long before exiting?.
Lee Elder
There is some very strong programming that went all the way back to my early childhood.
I carried the blood card for three years after I ceased believing in the policy - just in case
I was questioned! I wasn't even going to meetings and still had the card in my wallet.
I believe I mention the story in my JME article:
feeling sad
by berrygerry inthe past number of months have been traumatic for myself and my family.. the fascist practices of the wts have wreaked monumental harm to us all - with 3 members hospitalized for suicide.. researching past events brings one to the overwhelmingly sad story of bethany hughes, and her parents lawrence and arliss.. (arliss was featured years later on a dc for her courage through their ordeal.).
larry did what any normal, loving father would do.. try to protect his daughter.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocex1eu5v6u.
it is doubly sad knowing personally one of the wts lawyers involved, and his relatives who have left the wts despite the harsh consequences.. sometimes, i wish there were a "dante" hell.. .
Lee Elder
Not really possible to say "I know how you feel". I don't. I know what the experience
was like for me and I've seen many others in similiar situations. This is what I would
say to you. Please know that you can get past this. Life is definitely different once
your eyes have become open and there is certainly some trauma and a period of
adjustment, but life can be good again. Indeed, life post WT can be very good.
Hang in there and don't be afraid to get some help - that is just another programmed
All the best,
AJWRB Press Release
by Lee Elder inwe are responding the announcement by ashya king's father that he will allow.
blood transfusion if medically necessary.
those not familiar with the story can.
Lee Elder
We are responding the announcement by Ashya King's father that he will allow
blood transfusion if medically necessary. Those not familiar with the story can
read it here:
Our press release can be found here:
A PDF of the press release is available here:
Please do what you can to circulate or distribute this to as many individuals
and news outlets as possible. We believe it is a newsworthy development
that places the Watchtower Society in a very difficult spot. These kinds of
situations don't come along everyday and it can be effectively leveraged to
reach other JW parents who have children that are vulnerable to this bizarre
Blood Timeline - What's Missing?
by Lee Elder inwe have just added a new timeline on the history of the wts blood policy:.
plenty of room to add additional events.
Lee Elder
We have just added a new timeline on the history of the WTS blood policy:
Plenty of room to add additional events. What would you add to what we have?
Would appreciate your input.
Lee Elder